Career Talk
As part of the College and Career Guidance strategic action plan, we would like to offer our students the opportunity to be exposed to as many different industries and careers as possible.
Part of our current careers provision, led by the High School College and Careers counselor, Mr. Wadih, is to provide students with ‘Career Talks’ given by an amazing and varied line-up of guests experienced in their particular careers and who will virtually visit Arab International Academy (AIA)
Career guests are invited to give students 40 minutes, providing them with an insight into what life is like in their chosen career. Students are eager to learn about the needed skills and required qualifications to successfully embark on a certain career.
We are grateful to every guest who participated with us in this activity, starting with Mr. Walid Tahtamouni, who spoke with students about external audit and consulting firms. The second guest was Miss Natalie Fischer, who spoke about the basics of the personal essay required in US universities. Finally, for this semester, we invited Mr. Benjamin Schmaling to learn more about studying in German universities for international students.